Wellness Grooves Spa provides clinical massage and manual therapy, by creating treatment plans, so that individuals with chronic pain conditions and depression can have an improved quality of life...
Wellness Grooves Spa accepts HSA/FSA
Speak with your health care provider to see if your company offers Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). You may qualify to receive monthly massages thru your employer. Wellness Grooves Spa is a NPI approved provider.

About Me
Angela Ballard, BS, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist
Angela is the CEO of a Black Woman-owned business (Wellness Grooves LLC), a Christian, a Musician (singer/songwriter), and a Wellness enthusiast, with 15 years of experience as a Clinical Researcher. Graduated from University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), with a Bachelors Degree in Biology, then trained at Holistic Massage Training Institute (HMTI) to become a Licensed Massage Therapist. She is certified in Medical Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Bodywork for Depression/Anxiety. She has a passion for helping people with chronic pain conditions and depression. She believes massage therapy has many clinical benefits and it surpasses the concept of spa and luxury...
Serving Maryland and Washington DC Metropolitan Area